Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not sure if I should have sex before marriage?

I feel bad sometimes maybe when I do things sinful. I'm not sure but I don't think i'll wait until marriage to have sex. I thought that maybe i'll feel bad if I do. But I think I've been doing ok in life (going to the gym, not doing drugs) and I think I need too loosen up a bet and go out there and feel free to have some drinks with friends, go dating and have sex. Does anyone think this is very sinful?Not sure if I should have sex before marriage?
I'm worried that you are talking about sex, not a relationship with a person. Sounds like you would like to have the experience as part of a good time, rather than as the expression of your love for a particular (I assume!) girl.

Rather than ask whether or not premarital sex is sinful in the abstract, so to speak, ask what good sex would be as opposed to cheap and squalid sex. Because that's what I think God wants for you.

Now baby, there are four steps to heaven. Step one, you find a girl to love. Step two, she falls in love with you. Step three, you kiss and hold her tightly. Step four ... now, is it: you get married? or, you go to bed? and I think the answer is: the order of events that's right for you will depend entirely on the circumstances, which clearly include how the girl herself feels about it.

I don't think you can make ';no sex before marriage'; any sort of moral absolute. I do think you can say that sex outside the context of a committed and loving relationship is some way short of the real thing.Not sure if I should have sex before marriage?
No, it is not needed. Sex is a painfully pulling back and forth of the flesh to release mindless endorphins that last a minute then you feel the same when done. Laughing or smiling releases endorphins in a innocent natural way. Look at each other with love and understanding. Bodies are closed until creation in marriage happens. Notice how some get angry or have a painful look on their face because they want the pain from sex. Love is eternal and can be shared with everyone. Lust is a painful, mindless, destroys emotions, can cause disease, unwanted pregnancy, and is temporary. Greet one another with a handshake, holy kiss, or hug.

Men there is no need for you to get manipulated by women again. You might as well get defiled by a prostitute for that. There is no need to have sex or masturbate to ejaculation for health reasons. The body can happily cope with unused sperm, with no impact on fertility or sex drive.

Women you will now receive the love of men you always wanted.

No matter what size or shape you are you can love one another as self instead of throwing stones at one another.
For a marriage undefiled before God, it is meant for two people one male and one female to marry being virgins, for they are to enter into a ';Blood Covenant'; with one another before God and this is God's Holy Union unto marriage. Those who have sex before marriage are defiled and most of these marriages end in divorce. Homosexuals cannot enter this blood covenant and this is why they are never to marry each other, their union is cursed. And those who marry them is also cursed by God. If you want to be blest of God in your marriage. It is best to stay a virgin and don't give in to your passions and or lust that will rob you and curse your union with the one you love..
Do you believe the Bible? Do you try and live by it? If you do then you will know that sex outside of marriage is not condoned by it, and for many good reasons. Most of the world today lives by the philosophy that you should loosen up, just do what you want to do as long as you are a good person, but this is against Bible standards. Here is a good article on pre-marital sex. I hope you will check it out.鈥?/a>
I use to think like you. 99% of people I know didn't wait til marriage and that includes my parents. I view it as human nature.

Just make sure you don't sleep around, have a serious girlfriend and then you will naturally get that feeling of wanting to be intimate. It's a wonderful experience, especially with the one you love.
Well, you could look at this a few different ways.

You could go all out for it.

Personally, I'd just go out, have a few drinks with friends( not get smashed), and meet someone interesting. I'd like to wait until marriage. However, if you find someone you really really love, then go ahead.

Really, it's all up to you.
No. When I was a kid and still believed in that, I thought I would save myself for marriage. But sex is a natural human desire, and it is not dirty or sinful. Just be smart, don't go to bed with just any old easy girl, and always use protection. It is a wonderful thing with someone you love. Most people do not wait till after marriage.
To thine own self be true...

What we say, what are values are, are not important. This is your decision based on your values.

I will say that if it causes you guilt then you would be untrue to your values and beliefs. Guilt is a very destructive emotion. While I feel guilt should never be associated with adult consensual sex there are many that disagree and actually produce guilt as a means of control.

Sex is a necessary physiological function, like eating, breathing and elimination. Since it is necessary it can be done by oneself. If this also produces guilt you need to explore where exactly those feelings of guilt originated and challenge the source.

Good luck.

It is supposed to make you feel bad when you do things sinful. That is God speaking to your heart. Listen to Him and do not have sex unless you are married. Sex does not define a relationship. Respect for each other does.

1 Corinthians 7:2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
You should only do what you feel comfortable doing. Let your conscience be your guide. The ultimate decision is up to you. I personally am waiting for marriage. But that's my decision and its one that I am comfortable with. Waiting for marriage can be hard, we all have biological urges and you ultimately just have to learn to control your impulses.
i almost had sex and im only 13 and i so regret it

I was drunk and my friend who im not even dating got me naked and he didnt have a condem but i was so messed up pretty much didnt care and he had to stop me and now i so regret everything that happened so dont do it......
What happens if you have bad luck and get herpes or HIV on your first time out and have that legacy to later give to ';Ms. Right'; ? Bummer. Can you imagine ? ';Gee honey aren't you excited to be on our honeymoon ? I have a surprise for you.....';
it is only a sin in the eyes of god and the eyes of others who know what you are doing that is if another is offended by your actions it is a sin sex was meant to be used as the bond between a man and a woman after marriage
You shouldn't do it if you're going to have hangups that will torture you. There's not a darn thing wrong with it for those who are emotionally ready to make the decision. It seems you're just not.
Sex is ******* mind blowing, and a religious journey.

I find that a lot of women(lesbian) that I sleep with

are very in touch with God.

Oh God, Oh God! OH GOD!
I don't think it's that big of a deal. You could always have done something worse instead. What's the point of life if you don't live a little?
Sounds like you are trying to justify committing sins by doing good things, (not doing drugs, etc.). It doesn't work that way.
No it's not sinful. There is no such thing as sin. Live your life without harming others when you can help it and you'll be fine.

Have sex. It's fun.
Just use a condom, assuming your school actually taught you how to use one...

Hooray for abstinence-only education!
It's my understanding fornication is okay as long as you are sincere.

Read your Bible for your answer. If you know what it says then do the right thing - get married. Spend your energy on THAT rather than ';dating';. It's simple.
do you sneeze before marriage?

sex, like sneezing, is natural.
God does. Doesn't matter what we think. It does matter what God thinks.
Sex outside of marriage is a sin.
It is a sin. But since all sins can be forgiven, maybe you should. It seems you've already made up your mind, anyway. Why even ask the question?
God called us to glorify God in our body and mind. We were bought at a price.
No, wait until you are married and God will bless your marriage.
If you're not sure then don't do it. It makes no sense to do something with out having a point.
What do you wanna get married for?
try before you buy
the Bible says it is.....

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