Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reason/history behind Korean women keeping their last names after marriage?

Although this sounds quite progressive, I wonder if there's not a less than peachy reason for this practice.

Also, is this still in practiced in Korea?

Thanks.Reason/history behind Korean women keeping their last names after marriage?
According to Wikipedia:

In Korean and Chinese cultures (including Hong Kong, Singapore, and non-aboriginal Taiwan), women keep their own surnames, while the family as a whole is referred to by the surnames of the husbands.

Presumably, this is to keep track of ancestry.Reason/history behind Korean women keeping their last names after marriage?
Korean women hiding their last names before marriage and that return to their tribe's tradition.Lot of them afraid on not marriage if men knowing her last name which holding her family and tribe which belonging to her.
Progressive? If you say so. They are simply addressed by their family name; however, it is more specifically 'wife of (husband's family name)' when the relation has to be known. From what I understand, some do actually change their name, but mostly simply retain their family name, though my exposure to Koreans is somewhat limited.
Whats progressive about that ? It sounds more like regressive. In the stone age men and women kept their names, they didnt even marry, they just had sex, much like thesedays. So progression is stone age with ipods. Okay.
I understand it's because two people who have the same last name can't get married. I don't know the reason for that, though.

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