Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What unprejudiced reason is there for being against gay marriage?

My fiance thought of a possible reason why: taxes. If gay marriage were legalized, any two men or women could get married, and save $$$$$ on taxes. Later, when they meet a special someone, they can get an easy divorce (no common assets to divide if they keep everything seperate). Of course a man and women can do this now, and while it is probably rare, there are a lot of people who currently get married for immigration.

For this reason, I think the system is deeply flawed. My fiance and I live together and share expenses, so why will a marriage certificate cut our taxes in half? And I think it is wrong to deny a portion of the population a right because of potential abuse.What unprejudiced reason is there for being against gay marriage?
Well --- I believe that gay marriage is being used purely for health care benefits.

I say this because gay people in general have not embraced tradition much in the past - in my opinion - so why now are they suddenly believing in the sanctity of a very old and deep rooted conservative tradition ?What unprejudiced reason is there for being against gay marriage?
first off god says it is wrong. there is a gay church in dallas texas,called white rock community.on their start page it gives several verses that they say the bibles says it is ok.i went there and read every single verse. every single verse said it was wrong. it is just a ruse gays are using trying to get medical treatment.a gay church is a church of gays. it is not a church of god.gays have brought all this on to themselves and now they want everyone to bail them out
You would have to spend even more money on wedding presents and waste even more time attending boring showers and receptions.

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