Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Would a marriage work if one was atheist and one is mormon?

Why or why not?Would a marriage work if one was atheist and one is mormon?
I think it could, just not let religion get in the way of the marriage. You should both accept the others religion and just agree to support watch other but let each other know how you feel.Would a marriage work if one was atheist and one is mormon?
Marriage is hard enough when you share faith and values. If one partners spends three hours and church on Sunday and the other plays golf, they are going to move in opposite directions. When there are children, will the atheist attend when the baby is blessed and the the primary children sing? How will someone feel about regular visits to the home by members? These are the practical things a person should consider.
I don't think so. Mormons don't just get married in the ';physical'; sense. They also have private temple unions that can only be attended by mormons... so they atheist and any other non-mormon family cant even be there. Not even other x-tians. They believe this bonds them in heaven and atheists don't got to heaven.

Also, marriage should be founded on common values and while atheists (like myself) have morals, the mormon spouse's will probably be very different. And what about raising the kids? What will you teach them?
It could work but I'm not gonna lie the LDS community is not very keen on marrying outside of the faith. The Mormon of this relationship will probably get hassled from other church members about when their spouse is going to join the church so they can be sealed in the temple.
You're asking for a difficult life. Is that what you want? I've found that a marriage has a better chance when you have many things in common. Religion can be a big issue.
Since marriage is held in the eyes of God, what will the Atheist do?

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