Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is it possible to save a marriage after both parties have had an affair?

is it possible or is getting a divorce the best option?? Is it possible to save a marriage after both parties have had an affair?
That is something only you and your partner can decide.

It is absolutely possible to rebuild trust and compassion after affairs....AND it if often extremely difficult to do so.

I recommend that you and your partner seek professional marriage counseling, because, often, that is the best way to flesh out ideas and get to the root of what happened that you both had affairs in the first place.Is it possible to save a marriage after both parties have had an affair?
I have not been in that situation but in some ways it may be easier to save a marriage where both have cheated than a case where only one spouse cheated.

When only one spouse cheats then the other feels betrayed and may never trust them again. One is a cheater and one is a victim of cheating.

If they both cheated then they both are guilty of cheating and both are victims of cheating. Maybe they can both admit they screwed up, forgive each other and get some marital counseling and recommit to each other and being faithful.
It is totally up to both of you as to whether you get married or divorced . Just remember this , divorce can definitely be avoided if both of you are ready to admit that you both messed up and that living a perfect life is impossible , and that your doing the same act for revenge is just as bad as doing it because you want to .

You both were in the wrong and a mistake for many people . If you love each other , forgive yourself and forgive her and move on with your life . You were both equally wrong so admit that and move forward in a life of love .
Here is a really good article about the nature of our sexuality. I think maybe if you both can come to an understanding of why we as humans are so interested in sex in the first place, and what we can do to seek that which is at the root of it all, then perhaps your marriage can indeed survive.

I have not been in your situation so I am not able to say I know what you are going through or how you feel, but I think maybe it is worth looking into as to prevent things like this from happening again to either one of you.

Also if you scroll up one article, there is another one about why people cheat. I really hope there might be something in them to offer you help in finding the answer to your question. I wish you and your husband well as you both try to recover from what has occurred within your relationship. Peace...River
Everyone and their situation is different. It depends on how the two people feel about it. If both people felt that pain they caused and truly regret the decisions that they have made, then it might be the ideal situation to repair the damage because they both have put each other through hell. In marriages where only one person is unfaithful itimpossiblempossilble for the one that had the affair to understand the sense of pain and betrayal that their actions caused. Things are usually changed forever... No if both spouses strayed maybe they can work on the reasons that they both wanted something different... they might be able to view their affairs and a single act, learn from it, and move on... based on the history it will be a crap shoot.
it depends. if you both are mature enough to talk through it and understand that both sides have learned their lesson, then it might still work. also, trust is an issue. if trust is gone, so is the marriage. dont try to build a relationship with no trust. it just doesnt work. if you too cant trust eachother anymore or one side or both dont understand that you both have learned their lesson i would consider a divorce. it really depends on how you two still feel about eachother and if you still really care about eachother enough to be married.
Yes I think it is possible to save a marriage after both cheat. It's likely one spouse only cheated to get back at the other spouse. I'd say the best way is marriage counseling. Talk about the things openly. Usually bad communication is the real problem. It will be hard - but if your willing to try I say go for it.
I feel it is possible, it will take a lot of time and trust for both of you to get on the right track but it never hurts to go counseling. It will help show what was missing for both parties to want someone different, and try mending what is broke.
Is there honestly any love left in either off yous too want to save your marriage. I mean no doubt you both love each other, but are either of yous IN love with the other. I guess you both have to be really honest with yourselves before your honest with the other. Good luck man

Yes, it is possible to save a marriage. speaking from personal experience, we worked it out. So it is possible.. Good Luck to you both.
It's hard to say, maybe if both are willing to forget the past and move on. But if they don't and they will bring the topic up it set up for destruction.

That would take a lot of prayer in my opinion. but if you both want to work it out,,, then of course it is possible and worth trying. Will it be hard,,, YES, but possible.
';Possible,'; yes. But is it *likely*?

At this point, there isn't really much of a ';marriage'; to be saved, is there?

It is possible, but it would take a lot of work and dedication. Marriage counseling could be an option to try.
yes talk about it one time and thats it dont acknowledge it anymore... dont bring it up during arguments or fights because that means youre not over the affairs... and dont have another affair
everythinG Can be possible..

talk %26amp; deal again...
i think mediation would be best. if it ends with divorce you should atleast learn something, you would hate to repeat the same thing in your future relationships
It is very possible, as long as both parties are willing to work hard at fixing the marriage.

Good Luck~
yes if you really want to be together and try again it will work out good luck
It depends on whether you want to or not. I've survived much worse.
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