Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why did the argument against same sex marriage fail?

And why did it win for same sex marriage as legal? Thanks.Why did the argument against same sex marriage fail?
The same reason the the arguments for segregation failed.Why did the argument against same sex marriage fail?
They didn't fail last fall. Voters believed the lies told by the conservatives.

below is something I wrote last Nov...

Arizona, Florida, Arkansas and California each had some type of anti gay related issues on their ballots yesterday. All passed and took away or denied equal rights to gay and lesbian people. (California has some votes left to count. The outcome of Prop 8 could change. Fingers crossed.) The state constitution of Kentucky was amended in 2004 prohibiting marriage by same-sex couples because the majority of voters agreed with adding the amendment.

I don't think civil rights for a minority group should be voted on, rather decided on by legislation or judicial rulings.

I live in the south... and if civil rights for minority racial groups had been voted on years ago, we could still have separate water fountains today! Sounds outrageous, but that is how the majority felt then. That is why black people needed laws to protect their rights. Not special rights, just equal rights, that mandated fair treatment even if a majority of the citizens did not agree Those battles were won in court, not on election day. .

The reasons that equal rights laws are needed is because a minority group is being treated unfairly by the majority. Putting issues like gay rights up in a vote just allows that majority to keep suppressing the minority.

Sounds like common sense to me.
Who said the arguments failed. In all the states that put it to a vote, voted no. The states that allow same sex marriage didn't let the people decide, like it says in the Constitution, they let the courts decide. That's right. Less than 20 people decided what's best for a few million people.
in the united states, religion and government are supposed to be separate. all arguments against same sex marriage are religious, hence meaningless. they are discriminating against innocent people (lgbt) without any logical reason, only religious reasons.

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