Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is your opinion on gay marriage?

What is your opinion on legalizing gay marriage, not just common law, but full rights like a men and women have?What is your opinion on gay marriage?
Marriage is between a man and a women. I don't agree with changing the idea or meaning. So, you got two gays who want to marry, couldn't one get a sex change...then its okay.What is your opinion on gay marriage?
I believe that all minorities should have equal rights to those of the majority. Why not? All they want is the benefits of being a married couple. The actual church ceremony and all that hoopla matters very little to them. They want it all: beneficiary status, hospital visits, adoption of partner's children, medical insurance, child custody and alimony. Good or bad, it doesn't matter. They just want to be seen as equal. You don't have to love gays. God loves them, though. And, if you think you're above God, you've got a serious shock coming to you.

BTW This comparison of homosexuality to bestiality really needs to stop. At least homosexuals are the same species.

Truth Sleuth, how is a sex change going to make gay marriage OK to you? First of all, these people are attracted to the same gender. And, second of all, someone with a sex change still has the same chromosomal make up. So a man with a sex change still has XY and a woman with a sex change still has XX. If a man marries a man who used to be a woman, would that be OK with you?
Once I thought of it as been equal to paedophilia (In my language, the same is used to describe it), once I thought that they should be stoned (being Muslim), once I thought its their choice (one of those innocent but not correct phrases used by many) but now I could see no reason as to why people even put it question. No matter how hard I laughed when I seen those unevolved stupids comparing it to bestiality. People change, you learn new things, educate yourself about the false beliefs you held, but some people always stick to one, as if what they were told was written by some black stone in their brain.
I think it is horrible. i mean why do people act like it is racism or something. A man marries a woman, make since, they fit emotionally and physically (you know what i mean.) They're just trying to keep their morals. Now some people come up and say we want to get married even though they are the same gender and it makes no sense at all! It just like a man saying that he wants to marry a platypus and gets mad if people say no. NO. NO. and what was that other thing?.... oh ya, NO!!!!!!
Hey if gays want to get married...let them. Its their lives and we as mortals and sinners have no right to judge. Besides, they have the right to be miserably married...lol! I am married and I LOVE IT!
Nothing wrong it with whatsoever!

If the ';church'; wants to stick their nose in influencing government so bad, then they should have to pay taxes like everyone else.

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