Sunday, May 9, 2010

What is more important in a marriage, happiness or commitment?

Is it more import ant for each person in a marriage to be happy, or is it more important for each person to be committed?

Both are important, but which is more important?What is more important in a marriage, happiness or commitment?
happiness hands downWhat is more important in a marriage, happiness or commitment?
happiness is more one wants to be married to someone who feels like they are just an ';obligation'; to their spouse....they want to be happy and in love!!!
You cannot be happy if there's no commitment in a marriage. Both are important because it means you are there for each other no matter what. This is the the strength in the relationship which holds everything together.
too me, happiness. You aren't as likely to stay committed if you aren't happy.
I would say happiness bcuz if they aren't happy it won't last - you can't commit to something if you aren't truly happy.
Commitment. No one is always happy in a marriage. If anyone says they have always been happy in their marriage, they are a true miracle couple, or they're lying. It's the commitment that truly holds a marriage together to experience better days and pull out of the low times.
To be likeminded, committed unity !
Probably happiness if your happy then you want to be committed.
Commitment! A long lasting marriage isn't always happy.....but if you stick it out by being committed to each other you will find happiness.
Well, I doubt there'd be a lot of happiness if there weren't committment...but people can be committed and not be happy (for other reasons).
happiness is commitment, if you want an affair, you have happiness with another girl/men that you make commitment you are just trying to find an accuse to cheat
All's I can say is this happiness is a state of mind. As long as you have a strong commitment you can make it through the not so happy times. If you have no commitment than what's to say your marriage will last even when you are happy. Because than whose to say your spouse is as happy as you are. Commitment is what gets you through the tough times.
chicken or the egg??? hmmm? well, i would say happy. some couples have open relationships, and they're perfectly happy that way. also, if couples are not happy, chances are that they are cheating on eachother. by contrast, i don't know any couples that would be happy if they found out their spouse cheated. also, withouth trust and commitment, you really don't have anything...that is what relationships are built on.
I think commitment is more important. Even if you have happiness, it can change in a heart beat. No one is happy all of the time, and if you are not committed, getting though unhappy times will be impossible.
Committment, cause if you base it on happiness there will be times when your marriage isn't happy, but if you love that person you will be committed no matter what. Happiness is finicky. I am very happily engaged.
i think they go hand in hand, but if there is room for only one answer, happiness.
I don't think on goes without the other. If you're happy you will stay committed. If you are not committed you will be unhappy.
Well, Well, After looking at some of these answers. I can see that this is a heated topic. Just to let some of the people that answered this question know. This question was brought up because my ex mother in law told me that Commitment was more important than happiness in a marriage. (I was filing for divorce at that time). I disagreed and since then it has been a question that has hovered over my head. Which one is more important? I choose happiness. Maybe I am a selfish bastard.

However, since I have been here in Iraq I have learned life is short and commitments don't last very long. So, all those who said commitment (Good Luck) and I wish you the best.

Everyone else: (Cheers!)
One is not exclusive of the other. How can one be happy in a relationship without a said and acted upon commitment?

dont get it...
happiness is more important.

if the marriage cannot be worked out such that both people are happy, then they should split.
Happiness, and Honesty in my opinion!!!
committed i would say means more to a marriage. Happiness can always be improved by different ways (sex, talking ect..) but committment is very important. Marriage is a committment itself. You are both committing to eachother by even getting marrried. I wouldnt be in my relationship now if there was no committment to it.
Commitment hands down.
Really obscure question. I'd vote for happiness - but not individual. More so as a couple. Commitment would naturally follow I'd think.
Being a grown up who doesn't speak about nebulous crap like ';happiness'; and in unqualified terms about ';commitment'; is a big help.

What about self-control, confidence, integrity, attitude, flexibility, respect, and affection
If you are committed to your marriage, you will continually strive to make the other person happy. They go hand in hand.
If you're in a committed marriage, you will more than likely be happy cause you can both face ANYTHING together and triumph over all obstacles.
How many kids?

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