Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Traveling abroad with children from previous marriage?

I will be traveling to Honduras with my three childre, two are from my previous marraige and their father has no contact with them. In the divorce documents I am declared to be their sole guardian, so should I have any problems obtaining passports and traveling? I have no way of contacting their father if his permission is needed. He was deported to Mexico in 2004 and I have no contact info for him. Our divorce was an uncontested divorce as he was no where to be found. I would appreciate any advice or personal experiences. Thanks.Traveling abroad with children from previous marriage?
As long as you have sole custody you shouldn't have a problem but make sure you take your court papers showing the custody ruling when you apply for the passport and when you travel.Traveling abroad with children from previous marriage?
you have sole custody, you should not have any problem obtaining their passports. if you did not have sole custody there is also a form that you could complete stating why the father could not appear.
If the divorce papers state that you have full custody of the children then you should be fine. There may be some extra documents for you to fill out for the passports but just bring the divorce papers to the passport interview and it should be fine.
NO as long as you can back things up with the court docs. Calll 1800 fed info and ask for the passport info center. ask them whatyou may need to submit to get passports in this situation.
i dont see where there should be any problems. He is quite obviously completely out of the picture. Im a Marine and have helped numerous others get their passports and such. I have seen many different stories that would seem impossible to get one. They usually help you to an extent and dont give you the run around. so yours should be fairly easy.
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