Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why do people support gay marriage?

Some people say it destroys the sanctity of marriage, but hasn't divorce and adultery already done that?

Others state it is a sin, but the Bible has only four implied admonishments against homosexuality and over 350 admonishments against heterosexuality. If marriage is a sin, then in theory the gay couple just has to find ';God'; and ask for forgiveness for their sins to get into heaven.

Then there is the argument that gays should have the rights of a married couple, but does not violate equal rights and the separation of church and state?

Who does gay marriage really hurt? The economy could definitely benefit from the money used and circulated for gay marriages?

I would like to know as many arguments supporting gay marriage as possible.Why do people support gay marriage?
I'd argue that it isn't a church/state issue as far as what rights marriage grants you (such as health benefits, rights to visit your partner in the hospital, death benefits, etc.). Its crazy for me that a gay/lesbian couple can be together 50 years, and if one gets sick, the other cannot visit him/her in the hospital. Also, if they have no will, the partner might not be able to keep the items they own jointly.

Why would we not support Love ?

For the life of me, I can't understand how gay marriage would be a threat to the sanctity of marriage. It has NO impact on other marriages, gay or hetero. I haven't heard that marriage in Mass. or San Francisco has taken a big hit from gays being able to marry.

Keep in mind the bible addresses how to treat your slaves, doesn't allow women equal rights, and explains how you slaughter animals. Its dated, and has not been updated.

As I understand it, Jesus taught Love, period. If two people Love each other, they should be able to celebrate it the way the rest of the society does.

If God isn't tolerant of Gays, I have no interest in joining him in ';paradise';. Sounds like more of an exclusive club for those who follow some fundamental beliefs written long after Jesus' death.Why do people support gay marriage?
Its twisted- There is no law agaisnt same sex marrage; they are trying to create them. Many countrys recognise it, including Canada, and the wolrd hasnt crumbled.

there are far too many other things to worry about
I think the overwhelming majority of american people agree that homosexual marriage is unacceptable. I have read that over 95% of the american public feels this way.

Politicians who get their support from ';gay'; groups naturally defend their concept of marriage. they make the most noise and get the most publicity making it look like the general public wants this change. Most people don't care unless it hits them in the back of the head.

Procreation is our duty to the future. gays do not have this commitment in their future unless they use artificial means or adoption.

the ';me'; generation mentality is losing its sense of responsiblity to the future generations. Thats why i feel its a step to corrupt the sanctity of marriage.
I don't see anything wrong with a civil union for a gay couple. I do see something wrong with changing the definition of marriage. This is the def'n: The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.

Where I live, a gay couple is considered ';comon law'; after (I think) 6 months of living together. If they feel they'd like to have a celebration for being together, why not? BUT it is still not a marriage, nor should it be since they don't fit the definition. They get all the benefits of being married, but without that label. As far as this relates to the Bible, well, it would make things very confusing, but I don't want to get into that kettle of fish.
I say it ain't no one's business. It's just another way for the d a m n government to control the population. Soon we ain't even going to be able to have the basic of freedoms. They are still American citizens and it's the freedom of choice for them to be gay.
None supports gay wedding. Just put up with it.
I am puzzled why people don't support it, to tell you the truth. Here is my support: Homosexual men have been known to frequent gay bars and clubs (by frequent, I mean pick someone up and take them home for sex). Not all, but more than enough not to be able to say some. Anyway, there are also commited couples who share their everything with one another as a married couple. For those to settle down in love - who are we to judge who loves, if God is forgiving why can't we also be. So, I say for those who settle and want to confine their sexual exploits and their emotional attachments within their own home, so be it.

When they are old and gray and one passes away, who are we to say that the survivor is not entitled to annuities due to them being same sex.

As for the sanctity of the marriage, get a clue. Ever watch Jerry Springer (heterosexuals) there is more wingdinging among married couples than one can believe, yet people fear gay marriages. There are more abominable things taking place in the name of straight marriages than I can even imagine would take place among gays. This is just a judgment. In the end God will have the last word.

But if allowing them to marry could cut down on their promiscuity and thereby further inhibit the spread of AIDS I'm all for it, maybe then, if there were reduced stigma, the down-low men would stick to their own rather than infecting innocent women whom they chose to marry to hide their true preference. But that's just my opinion. Wake up America!
I support it because who am I to tell someone they cannot participate in one of life's greatest joys, spending ones life with their soul mate. The religious right says it's wrong because it's against god however what happens to the person who doesn't believe in god. We have to stop letting religion dictate civil matters. Because even if one gets married in a church it is still a civil matter, hence you must get a marriage license. This goes for both heterosexual and homosexual marriages.

People's personal lives don't effect anyone else's for the most part, if my neighbor gets married it doesn't change my life so if they happen to be gay it's not going to change anything either. Life and let live.
We have no right to sit in judgement on gays, much less gay marriage. If two men, or two women, love one another, they can have just as healthy and beneficial a marriage as a man and a woman. People may argue that this country was founded on religious freedom, but belief in God, and this goes against God. I believe that when we begin judging what God may like or dislike while considering what is legal or not, is the day this country disintegrates. We are not their judge, God is, and it is between them and God as far as that goes.

Prejudisim against gays and gay marriage is the same as against other races. Once it was illegal for black and white to marry, thankfully that has changed. I hold faith in our government and society to grow enough to accept gays and gay marriage as well. The world is full enough of bigotry and hatred, we need to learn to be more accepting and less judgemental.
My take on gay marriage is that it is an artificial prohibition.

There were laws against interracial marriage, because that was seen as a ';pollution'; of the races (some racist crap on purity).

A gay marriage does not bother me, as these people are just as dedicated to one another as a hetero couple and can divorce just as easily.

I have no problems with them getting the benefits that come with a marriage
i support gay marriages because more girls will be free for me hehehehehe
The best argument I heard on here was one in which someone questioned why it is completely acceptable and legal for a serial killer on death row to be allowed to get married (and I assume it implied to have conjugal rights), while a gay couple that has been together in a loving relationship for years cannot.
Sounds like you're a supporter also.

I throw out all the political and religious BS and think it is the rights of Americans to live they way they choose without judgment from others. And it is our duty as Americans to protect the rights of other americans therefore I support gay marriage and condemn those who do not!
Thanx to all the *******...more single women for me
Do what you want. marriage is supposed to be betwen a man and woman but if one day it is alowed then don't be so flamboint. It is just a matter of it is not normal behavior. Two guys kissing or holding hands really is disgusting. All public display of affection should be banned because some people really have no business even being able to find another to suck face with.

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