We're going tomorrow and we didn't want to have to drive back home to get something we'll need.[It's a 20 minute drive but the air conditioning in the car is out and it's been 90ish degrees lately]. What sort of documentation do you need for your marriage license?
you'll need a driver's liscense, some cash, and a social security card. if you have a birth certificate- you'll have a smoother time.. they'll ask you questions about who is listed as ur father/mother, what hospital you were born, and where they lived growing up...their addresses...they have to get all the info of your parents, your fiance's parents and then your info... so you'll be asked a lot of questions but if you have a general idea- they'll work with you... i didn't have street addresses or anything of where my parents grew up- just the town names...with state and they kinda left things blank but i tried the best i could...they understand.
i got married and did this stuff at 20 also... so trust me, me doing it at 20 was easy enough. probably took us...20 minutes? ha.
:)What sort of documentation do you need for your marriage license?
I think it depends upon your state.
I went to Virginia and they wanted a birth certificate and photo id (drivers license was fine, but I brought my passport along just in case).
Its a 2-hour drive one way for us so I was psycho about ensuring we had everything.
Double-check the location's website to see exactly what you need. But for the most part, it will be:
A valid photo ID
Social Security card
Birth Certificate
Certificate of Divorce (if you ever have divorced)
Credit card/cash to pay for transaction
depends on the state. In Idaho all we needed was ID card and was asked if either one of us married before. we were also asked if we ever had an AIDS test and if yes, what the results were. Before you leave I would suggest you call and ask.
In my state you need a picture ID and a birth certificate but I would take social security cards just in case. Also any documentation of divorce or becoming a widow/widower.
you need your id, social security card, possibly birth certificate and then if there was any previous divorces with either of u the documentation of that. oh and congrats!
Valid State I.D./ Driver's License.. (Picture I.D.)
Birth Certificate..
Telephone ahead and ask what documentation is required...
Birth Certificate and photo ID as well,drivers licence and S.S. card,just in case.
I'm in Australia, we just lodged our paperwork and all we needed was our birth certificates and a witness.
I left basically everything %26amp; ended up making 3 trips! I had to have, my I.D %26amp; my birth certificate (if you're 18 or younger)
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