Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why do people support gay marriage?

Some people say it destroys the sanctity of marriage, but hasn't divorce and adultery already done that?

Others state it is a sin, but the Bible has only four implied admonishments against homosexuality and over 350 admonishments against heterosexuality. If marriage is a sin, then in theory the gay couple just has to find ';God'; and ask for forgiveness for their sins to get into heaven.

Then there is the argument that gays should have the rights of a married couple, but does not violate equal rights and the separation of church and state?

Who does gay marriage really hurt? The economy could definitely benefit from the money used and circulated for gay marriages?

I would like to know as many arguments supporting gay marriage as possible.Why do people support gay marriage?
I oppose the government having the authority to legislate personal social decisions. I also oppose discrimination.

Those who oppose same-sex marriage are acting purely out of prejudice and bigotry to deny the benefits of state-sanctioned monogamy based purely on the gender of the people involved. It's gender-based discrimination, pure and simple.

When you look at all the arguments against same-sex marriage, only the purely religious ones are even rational. We don't forbid people who are old or infertile from getting married, so it's not about procreation. There's no slippery slope, because marriage between two unrelated consenting adults is between two unrelated consenting adults. We're only talking about eliminating the gender discrimination, not about changing the number of people involved or allowing children to get married.

And though the religious arguments against are valid as far as they go, our constitution forbids the government from acting based purely on religious grounds. If the only reason for something is religious, that cannot be enacted as law.

The final argument is over terminology. Fine. Eliminate the word marriage as having any legal meaning. Make marriage a purely religious ceremony, and grant everyone civil unions if they want state benefits.

Bigots tried for decades to prevent inter-racial marriage, but that finally lost the battle to the equal protection clause. It's inevitable that gender-discrimination in marriage will also stop being legal, regardless of how many states try to limit marriage based on religious definitions.

The only question is how long it's going to take people to realize that prejudice, hatred and bigotry are inherently worse than any expression of love ever could be.Why do people support gay marriage?
First off, the bible doesn't ';imply'; that being gay is wrong- it states plainly in Exodus that if you find a homosexual you are to stone them to death and that their blood is on their own hands.

But that is irrelevant to today's discussion.In today's world marriage has three ';levels',if you will.

1) Legal: Marriage is a legal contract to show fidelity and support to another person.

2)Social: Marriage is to show the community that two people are committed to each other.

3) Religious: Marriage is a pledge to your God to live by His rules as a couple.

Of these three, only religion prevents gays from being married. We, as a people, need to acknowledge love, no matter the source.
If gays can marry then where does it stop. Can I marry my dog or rabbit or chinchilla if I so desire? .
To ask for forgiveness and continue to commit the same sin?Gay marriage chips away at the moral fiber of the youth today by making them think it it acceptable behavior.What next kiddie porn OK? GOOD LUCK %26amp;GOD BLESS.
Ok ,let's change the terminology to civil union, as it's less controversial and best describes what we are fighting for.

First off, let's get rid of the religious viewpoint, as not one that I've spoken to can back up that argument with anything more than a Bible verse. If you can back it up with solid thinking, then let me know.

As for the ';slippery slope'; argument, this can be put at ease with various ideas. First off, this is exclusively for two people, committed to each other, to be recognized as much as any other couple. Not 3, 5 or 15 people. Just two, same as anyone else. As for marrying another species as has been suggested already to this question, please explain to me how you can get a verbal committment from a dog or chinchilla. That's needed to make your point valid. Both main arguments against are now nullified by lack of reasoning.

As for arguments for such a union, benefits for such a thing are many for the couple, and for the state. For the state there is taxes, license fees, reduced number of cases in courtrooms brought by families trying to contest a will or child raising, etc.

for the couple comes legal recognition wherever they are in the US, and all of the basic privileges provided to a heterosexual couple. This includes hospital visiting rights, property rights and healthcare decisions. Yes, these can be obtained with living wills and power of attorney and other documents, but these also cost much more than a marriage license and can be contested in a court of law.

Granting this also falls under a general standard of democracy, of protecting the rights of the few from the will of the many. Let this fall, and who's to say what group comes next?

We also have that wonderful Declaration of Independence and Constitution with phrases like ';All men are created equal'; and ';Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness';. Why not let me have my happiness if it doesn't interfere with yours?
Gay marriage hurts and divorce hurts. I feel that it is sad that divorce, and single parents have become the norm in society. All of these things add up to a degrading society because children do not get the attention they need from two parents.

Gay marriage advocates seem to make marriage a joke. There is no reason for them to be married other than the fact that they want to create a stir.

Since gays have become widely accepted (I can't turn on a single TV show that does not star, or have a gay person in it), they feel like they need to do something else to get attention. Which is all they are after anyways. Show me one gay couple that keeps it to themselves!
i believe that everyone deserves love. period.
Actually gays are not men nor women so they don't have caurage to face the challanges of coming generation.that's why gay couples can't support the economy of family , town and country.

Can any one explain the personalities which don't have any caurage to face the challanges how can they support .
Why is it anyone's business who your neighbor marries? Are they trying to turn you gay? Most likely not. Are they hurting anyone? No. What's the problem? They're consenting adults. Live and let live.
I don't see how it ';destroys the sanctity of marriage';.

If John and Mike down the street get married, do you look at your own spouse as less of a spouse? This is just another example of religion getting in the way of politics.

And the whole constitutional amendment thing highly upsets me. The Constitution is there to protect our basic rights and give freedom, not take away freedom or limit the rights of the citizens.

Let the gays get married. Besides, people shouldn't be the ones to judge-- that's God's job. Christians are supposed to love ALL of God's children, gay or not. Any Christian who looks down upon another human being for any reason will have to answer for it.

In my opinion, marriage is more of a legal thing than a religious thing. What's the difference between a couple who has been together 20 years and not gotten married, and a couple who just met in Vegas and tied the knot? Protecting the ';sanctity of marriage';, my foot.
First gay marriages, then whats next? Hitlers resurected in a giant robot body murdering people on a massive scale!

seriously though, check out those slippery slope arguments... Gay marriage leads to kiddie porn? Gay marriage leads to people marrying pets? NICE arguments, you guys really thought those ones through.

First christians allowed to post biggoted statements on the internet, whats next? Christians going door to door trying to convert people? AAAHHHHH!!!
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