Sunday, May 9, 2010

Would you like same-sex marriage to be legal in you state (and in US) ? What do you think ?

What is your opinion ? Please tell us for what state you want to be legal.Would you like same-sex marriage to be legal in you state (and in US) ? What do you think ?
NO! Civil Unions yes... marriage...NO! Marriage should be a religious union! Married couples should have to be Civilly United to get the benefits!Would you like same-sex marriage to be legal in you state (and in US) ? What do you think ?
It is legal in my state already, and I see no reason why it shouldn't be. Saying gays can't marry is labeling them as second class citizens, not deserving of the same rights and freedoms as straight Americans.

By labelling gay unions as ';civil-unions'; or ';civil partnerships'; you are saying that ';marriage'; is too good for one class of citizens.

Marriage is religious in name only, marriage has long been secularized since divorce began. Marriage was supposed to unite two people in holy matrimony as long as they live. When marriages fail 50% of the time because of divorce, how is that abiding by God's Christian law?

You can't say marriage is holy and only for straight people when half of them fail to begin with.

Put Christianity BACK into marriage, then maybe the anti-gay marriage folks will have an argument.
No. Homosexuality is a sin and goes against the law of God. It's bad enough that we've already legislated murder as a legality by way of abortion. To make sodomy legal in any state is an equal abomination that adds insult to injury.

If people want to have certain civil rights to stand in the place of a spouse, that's their business. Let the insurance companies, etc. sort it out. It should not be called marriage because marriage is a heterosexual sanctity for the purpose of procreation. Period.
Depends on what you mean. You see, I strongly feel that anyone should be able to have a legal union with anyone regardless of sex. I even feel no reason why people cannot have three, four, or more way legal unions. To me, the law is secular and should never abridge peoples liberties. I see no reason why a union of two men or two women should have different tax benefits, insurance, or legal representation as a man and a woman. A legal union is a union no matter who is united.

But if you ask me if any church should recognize a marriage as anything other than a man and a woman, then forget it. Christian doctrine is clear on that issue. So no church should ever be forced to marry anyone they don't want to. They should be happy with equal legal status, but I'll fight to keep them from forcing any church to marry them.
There is no such thing as a same sex marriage since marriage is defined a union between one man and one woman as husband and wife. That is like saying do you believe in multi sex females. There is no such thing. A persons with both sexual organs is called a ';third gender'; and has Ambiguous genitalia which is considered a birth defect.
Marriage, in the religious sense, is not a necessity; a Civil Union, where the burden of being a non-recognized partner would be removed would be good. For me, as an older gay woman, I would like to file joint returns and not have to show proof of our long-term relationship to get domestic partner benefits. Just let us have the same privileges for the same pay (translation: taxes!).....
I am opposed to all marriages, I think that the term should only be used by couples in their religous pursuit of a lifetime commitment and it should not be recognized by law. But all couples (gay and straight) who want to have a union should be allowed to have one regardless of sexual orientation.

Like others here, I could care less if it were legalized across the U.S., or just in my state (Oregon). I'm in a happy marriage to a wonderful woman. Whether or not my neighbors are a gay married couple has absolutely no impact on me, my life or my marriage. I think there are issues that we, as a people, have to address right now that are far more important that gay marriage.
If it isn't legalized across the US, then it's worthless because it opens a huge can of worms if one partner changes states and files for ';divorce';.

I don't think the term marriage should be involved, to do so is to encourage a battle amongst the religious.
i wouldnt have a problem if this was legalized as I could care less.

what is really the problem with gay people getting married? this is just one example of how some religious extremist try to enforce their beliefs on others.
Well first I'm straight.

But, if the same-sex wants to get married.. it's their business.

I don't have no say in this, really.

That's my opinion.

Well I live in Cali, where it just got ban.. I actually voted no on banning gay marriage.. Even tho I'm a christian, I can't tell someone who they can't get to marry. Not my business anyways
I have no problem with allowing gays the same legal status as other couples. I'm in PA.
I think we have bigger issues to address. I could care less what the decision is.
Absolutely NO. It is wrong and a sin.
I don't think it should be legal in any state.
hell no.
It doesn't matter to me if it is legalized, I can not think of how a gay couple being married would harm me or my family
I live in Texas and I could really care less. If they want to marry, let them, it's not going to affect my life one bit.
I'm not gay so it doesn't matter to me either way really.

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